Spoken English Classes Online

1-on-1 Classes in

English Communication & Soft Skills

Learn English in a new way with our personalized 1-on-1 live coaching.

Personal Training By Top English Experts.

Tools & Skills Covered

This is Nehal, Fluency Pro Learner

Nehal became an English
Communication Pro with Fluency Pro!

Why is 1-on-1 course better ?


Self-paced Course

1-to-many Course

1-on-1 Course

Live Classes


Personalised Learning

Flexible Timings

Choosing your own Coach

Flexible Course structure

Program Highlights

1,20,000+ Happy students

Still Not Convinced? Check out what our learners are saying about us.

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    What our learners have to say about Fluency Pro's one to one English speaking classes?

    See the transformation experienced by others like you

    Fluency Pro is a convenient and useful platform for learning and advancing English skills. I am happy to be learning with it.
    Rahul Kumar
    Fluency Pro trainer is a very professional for learning English. I am happy to learning from her.
    Rajiv Verma
    I was not confident in my English speaking ability, and it was difficult for me to communicate with others. After daily practice with Fluency Pro personal trainer, I have become much more confident in my ability to speak English.
    Manoj Sinha
    New Delhi, India
    Fluency Pro have great trainers to develop your personality. They helps you communicate effectively, which is essential in today's world.
    Kiran Arora
    New Delhi, India
    I used to have a hard time communicating with others in English because my language skills were so poor. But after having personal trainer y Fluency Pro for 3 months only, I'm much more confident and fluent!
    Neha Chauhan
    My 7yr old kid taking classes by Fluency Pro personal trainer, and it has completely changed his communication level and confidence. I'm so grateful!
    Anita Singh

    How will your life change?

    Fluency Pro’s Online English Fluency Courses offer an easy process to improve your language skills.

    Fear of speaking vanishes

    Never be nervous or anxious to speak up in social and professional situations.

    Earning potential increases

    Professionals who know proper English earn 30% more income than others.

    Become more influential

    Network with successful people and build an amazing support system.

    Good communication skills can transform your personal and professional life

    Start speaking English fearlessly!

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